Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Celebrity Twin?

Continuing on with the MomDot Blogger Bingo contest, the task for ball #9 (L20) is "Everyone has a “twin” out there, we want to know who your twin is. Do people say you look like a celebrity? Fictional character? Your father? Do a post and side by side compare you and your twin."

I personally don't know that I really look like any one person. Sure I look like a combo of my parents. However, there once was a time where I was given a HUGE compliment and told I look like a celebrity. I am a member of an online community of moms called The Mamasphere and have been a member there for over 4 years. Back in 2005 when I shared a picture of myself from my brother's wedding, a few ladies told me that I looked like Mariska Hargitay. You know, from Law & Order SVU. I think she is absolutely beautiful and in no way do I think I look like her, but hey I will gladly take that compliment any day!

So here is the picture of myself that sparked the comments along with a picture of Ms. Hargitay. What do you think?

Side note: I was so darn thin here, what the heck happened? Can't wait to breastfeed again! ;)


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