Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Think Cool Thoughts

We're in the midst of a heat wave here in New England and to be honest, I can't take it. Hot, humid and pregnant just do not go well together. So I dug out a winter photo of our front yard to try and keep my mind off the heat and thinking about cool weather.


  1. Snow sounds so good right now! I'm so tired of the heat lately too. Isn't it fall yet?

  2. I am so not looking forward to winter...I wish it could stay 85 degrees and beautiful all year long here! But the pic is beautiful!

    Happy WW!

  3. I should note that once winter arrives, I will be complaining about the cold and all the snow. I hate winter, but I also hate 95 degree weather with like 85% humidity.

  4. Wow. That is SO what I need right now. It is supposed to be nearly 100 tomorrow and I have no A/C. I'm sweating in my kitchen not looking forward to tomorrow.

  5. Pregnancy in the summer is the worst! I should know, I had my son mid-August of last year. I was HUGE during the summer LOUISIANA! Yikes!

  6. I would love snow anytime lol! here in GA we are never lucky! Happy WW

  7. It's been pretty hot here, but no chance of cooling down any time soon. Hope you're cooling down a bit. Happy WW!

  8. LOL. I agree with hot, humid & pregnant do not go together. I do not wish for winter though, we get so many months of winter. A nice fall would be great. ;)

  9. Whew, I do NOT blame you! My first was born in August and I thought I was going to die. Hang in there!

  10. Oh, that's a picture of a 4 letter word. It IS hot here, but I don't want the other extreme either. What happened to Spring and Fall? I'd just be happy if we had one of those seasons.

  11. Holy cow I thought you were going to say that was taken today!! LOL

    I want to roll in it. Throw snowballs at my kids. Dammit, we never get snow :(

  12. Ohhhh... thankyou! Your picture made me feel cooler! I just got home from walking my girls to school and it' already so hot outside!! Thinking Cool Thoughts....

  13. That is beautiful! I live South Texas so we don't see snow around here.

  14. Heat wave in upstate NY as well. My parents live in VT, my dad isn't happy at all with the heat and humidity. He's longing for fall and then winter and snow!

  15. That does look good right now, doesn't it?

  16. Such a pretty picture!! It reminds me of my home in Alaska. Love it!

  17. Wow, I live in Texas so I've never seen a winter like this. That's beautiful!

  18. with triple digit tempertures we need some cool thoughts.
    Stopping over from momdot. Happy WW

    here's mine

  19. Beautiful photo! Anything to stay cool. Happy WW!

  20. Really nice. I love your idea. By just looking at the photo, it's like I can feel the coolness also. I wish you a safe delivery. Congratulations! Really love your Wordless Wednesday post!:)

  21. beautiful photo!!! I do wish for some colder weather...

  22. I wish we had that weather here now! I hate this humidity!!



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