Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Cheeeeeeeeese!

Here is my little ham, L, the camera hog. He loves getting in front of the camera and shouting "cheeeeeeese!" You may also notice the nice bruise on his forehead. This was 4 days after falling and puncturing his head on a stegosaurus and believe me this looks great compared to the night it happened.


  1. Aww, poor little bump! He still looks so happy though! Love it! Happy WW!

  2. Poor guy with the bump!

    He is too cute! My son used to do the same thing anytime I would bring out the camera. =D

  3. OUCH! He's still delish though!

    Happy WW!!

  4. What a little cutie pie. He has an adorable smile!

    I hope his boo-boo on his head heels up soon! :)

  5. My daughter loves the camera, too. The boo boo will fade away and another one will replace it, I'm sure.

  6. He's so cute but I'm sorry about his bump!

  7. Looks like he's recovering well from the run-in with the dinosaur. Great smile!

  8. youch! what a cutie!

  9. Ouch! That looks like it hurt. Gotta watch out for those stegosaurus...

  10. Such a sweetie pie! I'm now wondering what happened with a dino? I see the bump.


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