Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm Back & With A New Baby!

So I realize that I kind of dropped off the face o the earth for a few days there. I have good reason, I swear! On 12/17, my due date, I went into labor and had my little baby boy! We just got home Saturday afternoon and are getting adjusted to life with 4 boys. I promise to post a birth story and more information in a day or so. Right now I am trying to get caught up on everything. I also have a winner I need to pull and post, is coming shortly. For companies awaiting reviews to be posted, I am working on them and will get them up as soon as possible!


  1. Hooray! Enjoy that wonderful new baby smell! God's blessings.

  2. Oh gosh take a break, I don't think anyone can be angry. You have a wonderful excuse to not be around!

    Congrats and welcome to the world newest lil man!

  3. Congrats!! What a nice "early" Christmas gift =)

  4. sponsors will be fine, I mean you do have a good excuse!
    congrats!! can't wait to see pics of the new little man.
    How are the the twins dealing with him.

  5. Awww, congrats! Four boys sounds like loads of fun. :)

  6. I just saw someone rt about this post so I had to stop by and say Congrats! 4 boys! Wow! How wonderful!

  7. Congrats! You really have your hands full now ;) Glad everyone is ok!

  8. what wonderful news,and a big bunch of "congratulations!!" to you and the family -- can't wait to see some pix (c:}

  9. Congratulations! Hope everyone is doing well!

  10. Congratulations & bless you all!

  11. Make sure you're getting your rest--don't hurry back to working until you're ready!

  12. Congrats girl!! Take your time getting back to the grove of things as your fellow bloggers will always be here:) Have a lovely day!

  13. Congratulations!!!! Looking forward to seeing pics!!

  14. Congratulations! Take it easy and get some much deserved rest!

  15. Congrats sweetie!!

    I have your stuff. PM me your addy and I'll get it out to you

  16. No rush! And congratulations! :woot: :woot:

  17. Congratulations!! I cant wait to read the story! I would love to know his name!

  18. Congratulations! How exciting! Did you post a birth story? I am hoping to VBAC in Feb. and I remember that you were hoping to as well. Hope everything went good and your new larger family is doing great. :)


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