Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Next week is our oldest son's 5th birthday and I cannot believe it. Here he is at about a day old.


  1. precious. Bet he isn't that quiet any more!

  2. snuggly little baby!! ALMOST makes me want another, but not quite. I don't need to keep up with you ;)

  3. Oh so sweet, I love new babies :)

  4. They grow up way too fast! My oldest will be 6 soon and I just can't believe that it has already been that long since we found out we were pregnant for the first time.

  5. Time goes way too fast now when you want to enjoy them being little. But when they're teens it lasts forever!

  6. Cute picture. Time does fly.

    Happy WW!

  7. Marianna,

    Where does the time go? My oldest just celebrated eight on Sunday. I'm trying to keep, but they just keep growing.

    Congratulations to you and Happy Birthday, early, to your "little" man!


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