Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Snow Day

These were taken last week, we had back to back snow storms. Hopefully these will be the last snow pictures I post for WW, but it is snowing again now as I type this. Come on Spring!



  1. such pretty snow! We've had such little snow this winter, I miss it!

  2. Looks like tons of fun for the kids! (I'm so over snow, though!)

  3. Oh but your kiddos look like they're having such a great time in the snow. Maybe just a few more snow days? lol
    Great photos! Found you over on Frosted Fingers. I'd love for you to stop by my blog and link your Wordless Wednesday post up on my linky. This week's Wordless Wednesday post features one very messy baby! See you soon.

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  4. I'm so done with the snow myself...
    Have a great day!

  5. This is the first winter I've managed to get my kids outside all bundled up to play for more than 15 minutes at a time. It looks like your kids are much more hardy than mine and enjoy it!:)

  6. Those turned out so well!

  7. I know up north you have to be sick of all that snow by now...but down here in Houston, we're jealous! I wish we could have just ONE really good snow here! :)

  8. I posted a snow pic too today Only difference is I will only have one snow day this year here and it has been years since we've had as much as in my picture

  9. Little kids in big snow suits are just about one of the best things ever. What a classic winter shot!

  10. Now I feel guilty complaining that it's only in the 50s here.

    I'm ready for spring, too!

  11. Great pictures but I agree Come On Spring. We have had a ton of snow in MD also and I am ready for warmer weather.

    Happy WW!

  12. I second that-let's go spring!

    The photos are beautiful though!


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