Monday, February 21, 2011

Swagbucks 3rd Birthday & 50 Swag Bucks Registration Code

Happy 3rd Birthday Swagbucks! I wish I could say that I had joined Swagbucks in the very beginning and have been earning lots of free stuff for the past 3 years. I've only been a member for about 6 months now and I think I have earned a decent amount of Swag Bucks during that time.

In honor of Swagbucks 3rd birthday, they are having a huge celebration on Monday, February 28. They have some pretty cool things planned for the day so you are going to want to check it out. Here is a sampling of the events:

• A Swag Code Extravaganza with at least 5 different codes throughout the day, and the opportunity to earn lots of Swag Bucks with them.

• A new look and feel for the Swagbucks Blog.

• The launch of two new features, one of which will redefine the way you use their search function is a site where you can earn rewards points to redeem 1,000s of free products for doing the things you do every day. Whether it's searching the web, watching videos, playing games, shopping or more. You do not want to miss out on this birthday celebration.

New members automatically receive 30 Swag Bucks when they sign up to get them started. For this awesome birthday event, I have an exclusive code that will give you an additional 50 Swag Bucks when you sign up. That means you will start off with a total of 80! The code to enter when you register is 3rdBirthday107 and expires on February 28 at 11:59pm EST. Just click on the banner below to get started.

Search & Win

Please note that the above registration code is for new sign ups only and will not wok for existing members. I am a member of the Swagbucks Bloggers Outreach Program however I was not compensated for this post. The opinions and views expressed here are my own and based on my personal experience with the product. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. The Swagbucks links included within this post do contain my referral code.


  1. I would love to earn some more Swagbucks for my account!

  2. I just deleted my swagbucks account last week. I had earned about $100 in Amazon cards over about 15 months. The amount of time it took me to search for codes, make the extra step to sign in to all my accounts, etc., ended up netting me a very small amount of money per hour of my time. Then there was all the spam and cookies I ended up with on my computer from using the site that took me hours to clean up, and the marginal search engine results for my queries that meant I had to add an additional step...I just had to stop and think about the value of my time, and realized that they aren't really in the business to give ME things, they are in the business to make money.

    I was pretty gung-ho with it at first, though, and signed up a few people--otherwise I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did! You are right in that those who signed up early are the real winners with the program. The girl I signed up under was netting about $50./month in amazon cards. I usually got about $5-10. I suppose it is better than nothing, but not by a lot. :)

  3. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. I'm netting about $5 per month in Amazon cards as well and that is with me doing the bare minimum. You can certainly earn more if you have the time to put into. But I am very happy with how I am doing. In these tough times my large family of 6 needs any help it can get. :)

  4. I'm a new follower from Good Friends Just Click... would LOVE for you to follow me back!!


  5. I've signed up for Swagbucks but haven't figured out how to use it to its fullest extent yet!

  6. @Christi - I earn 95% of my bucks through the search feature. I highly reccomend downloading the toolbar that way you can easily search from there. Stop using your bookmarks to navigate to your favorite pages. For example, I search for nearly every site I want to go to. So if I want to go to Facebook, I will do a Swagbucks search for "Facebook" instead of clicking on my bookmark.

  7. This sounds interesting - I'll have to have a look (I'm in Australia, wonder if I can do it from here??)

    I found you through the friends just click blog hop, and I'm following you now. Hope you'll stop by my blog sometime too.

    have a lovely week!

  8. I've seen swagbucks around and have wondered what it's about. I may have to sign up. :)

  9. Thanks for joining Good Friends Just Click- I'm GFC following. Hope to see you next week!

  10. This sounds cool! I'll check it out!


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