Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: My St. Patrick's Day Hooligans

St. Patrick's Day is also my husband's birthday so we made sure all the boys were dressed in green, snapped a few pictures, and then sent the older 3 off to school. Of course only 1 out of the 4 is smiling, but at least they are all standing there.


  1. I love it!! What a gorgeous bunch of boys!


  2. That is a good looking bunch of boys. They are all smiling in their own way. LOL. My birthday was the 19th of March. Happy Belated Birthday to your hubby.

    Happy WW!

  3. Could those dudes be any cuter? I love the double significance of the day for you guys!

  4. Hey, getting everyone to stand there is DEFINITELY an accomplishment!

  5. looks better than i can do with 3 as far as looking and maybe not smiling but not yelling, crying etc. love them all in their green

  6. Yup definitely in the spirit of the day, good job capturing those moments mama!

  7. What a good looking group of boys!!

  8. so cute! What a handsome group it is.

  9. They all look so cute in their green tees!

  10. I'm a bad mom - forgot to put green on the kids.

  11. Now aren't they the cutest little sprites!

  12. You were lucky to get them all standing there and facing the camera, so that's a great picture in my book! LOL I hope your husband had a great birthday!

  13. love it!! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  14. Check out all of those handsome boys in green! Love it.

  15. a little basketball group you have that Such cute little men you have

    night owl mama

  16. So cute! it is so hard to get them to look at the camera, let alone not make a face, so I think you did a great job! (thanks so much for the kinds words for my grandsons) ~Faythe

  17. OMG four boys, I have four girls..... Love the photo. My baby was born on St. Patty's Day!!! {4 yrs ago} They grow up so fast!


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