Friday, April 15, 2011

Green Giveaway Friday Linky 4/15

Happy Friday! There is rain in the forecast all weekend here so I am bummed because I wanted to get outside with the kids for some Earth Week/Day activities. I hope the weather is nicer where you are. Any "green" plans?

These are some featured Green Giveaways that I have found around the blogosphere. Please add both your green and non-green giveaways and contests into Mr. Linky below so we can do some blog hoppin! Be sure to include the expiration date. Thanks!

You can also submit your green giveaways to me during the week for me to feature on Fridays.

The Cupcake Bandits & Serendipity Mommy
Huge Garden Prize Pack Giveaway 4/30

Family Focus Blog
$150 GC Organic Clothing 5/2
$25 GC Bamboo Clothing 4/20

Julie Cache
Felted Purse 4/18

Just Another New Blog
Zippity Doo's Prize Pack 4/10
Monave Lip Glaze 4/17

Look What Mom Found... And Dad Too
EcoFriendly Cashmere Nepali by TDM Scarf 4/29

Mary McKenna Siddals
5 copies of Compost Stew (picture book) 4/25
2 autographed art prints from the book 4/25

The Mom Buzz
Easy Lunchbox: Cooler Tote of Choice & 4-pack of Containers 4/30

The Shopping Mama
Bee All Natural Organic Skin Care 4/15

So Easy Being Green
Two Sweet Potatoes - Cloth Wipes ends 4/19
ThinkSport Sunscreen ends 4/26


  1. Be happy - WE are getting SNOW this weekend. :P

  2. Thanks for helping us to spread a little green in the world, one apple core at a time...

    Mary McKenna Siddals / Compost Stew


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