Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Soaring Gas Prices

W.T.F.? are the only words that come to mind this week.

OK, I lied. I have two more words: RENEWABLE ENERGY!


  1. It is horrible:( It's the same price here. I'm going to start walking everywhere as soon as the weather allows me too. I wonder if they'd let me buy a shopping cart?

  2. Not that it matters much as prices keep rising, but it makes me really happy I have my Prius.

  3. I'm sure it's going to get much worse. What was it, like 2 years ago that it was up to like $5?

  4. It's a little cheaper than that here - I filled up at $3.59 a gallon this morning.

  5. Oh my gosh, no kidding! I hate even filling up anymore! Too bad we can't just stop filling up...

  6. Never thought there'd come a day when I'd be happy to see it at $3.84 down from $3.92 ... WTF is right. I haven't been able to fill my tank completely up for months. I plan to try and ride my bike this summer to the library if my body will allow it.

  7. Ugh -- I KNOW . . . it's awful. :(

  8. I hear you!!
    It is just disgusting.... something needs to be done... and soon!

  9. My trip to Cincinnati this weekend is going to hurt!

  10. Awful! I don't think ours has gotten quite that high yet, but I know it's coming.

  11. Oh honey I don;t even want to know. Those are about the same as ours.

  12. Here here. This is getting really scary. We definitely need to think outside this box!

  13. It is terrible! Makes me happy that it is getting nice so we can walk and bike more.

  14. Gas here is Delaware is about 3.70 a gallon. It cost me $56 to fill up this morning where a week or two ago it only cost me $47. This is getting out of control. AGAIN!!!

  15. OURS is higher than yours tooo I want below 4 bucks again I but 30 in my tank and barely got close to a half a tank wahhhh

  16. I have just started hearing people start talking about changing their driving habits. I think the $4 mark really gets people's attention.


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