Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Goalforit.com Free Chore & Behavior Charts

Parenting sure can be a challenge sometimes. A lot of the time. Alright, most of the time. No it is not easy, but being a parent is also amazing. Organization is something that can certainly make things a little easier and its also something that I lack. Somewhere, my husband is laughing and thinking what an understatement that is. I do try though. In my 6 years of parenting thus far, I have had several failed attempts at creating charts to help navigate areas like behavior and responsibility.

Goalforit.com is a new online community that offers several free tools like chore charts and behavior charts to help us busy parents out. And the charts can help your children learn about responsibility, understanding right from wrong, healthy habits and even that money matters, should you choose to reward them monetarily. Setting up an account is easy and then you are able to create multiple charts for each of your kids. You will then have easy access to each chart right from your Goalforit homepage. I set up some chore charts for my boys because we really need some help in this area. It takes only several minutes to set up a chart. After you put in your child's name, age and gender you and your child can select from a variety of themes. In my example I chose the dinosaur one for my almost 4 year old.

Once you save your theme then at the next step you will be presented with a list of age appropriate "chores" to add to your chart. They also include images to help non-reading children understand what the task is. Not all of them are actual chores, you also have important self-help things like brushing their teeth and going potty by them self. You can add as many as you like but my personal suggestion would be to keep it attainable. Too many could be overwhelming for both your child and yourself. You can also select which days of the week you want each chore to appear for and if you plan on using a monetary reward system you can indicate that here as well.

Save that and your chart should be up and running. You can either print it out to hang on your fridge or just update the interactive chart online. I like to do both. I am not going to run over to the computer every time one of the kids completes a chore, so by having a copy on the fridge we can mark what they have done and at the end of the day enter it into their online chart. You can also have the child sit down with you as you update their chart and they can pick the virtual "sticker" they receive for each item completed. At the end of the week you can indicate if they did a great job for that particular chore or of they need o work a little harder the following week.

Like with anything else in life, once you have the tools in place it is up to you to follow through and actually do it. This is usually where I have an issue because I will start off doing great and then after a few days chaos wins and I forget about it. I think this can help me be a little bit more accountable for myself plus the kids like being able to look at their names and char on my laptop. So that makes them want to do it.

In addition to chore and behavior charts for your kids, you can also set up some daily goal charts for yourself and even some to do lists. So you have multiple organizational tools all in one spot.


  1. These are really cute! I need to print some out for the boys.

  2. This is so current for kids today. I love it!

  3. Very cute! This would make my kids want to help out more!


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