Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: My Mother's Day Gifts

For Mother's Day, my boys brought me home the best handmade gifts from school.

From the 6 year old in Kindergarten.

My mom always says no running.
My mom cooks the best pasta.
My mom really loves me.
My mom is beautiful because she hugs.

From my nearly 4 year old twins in preschool.

Did your kiddies make you anything for Mother's Day?


  1. Those are so wonderful. Thanks for sharing. My favorite thing I seen so far today, "My Mommy Really Love Me" Did you cry? (I would have). I am new to wordless wed. found you on the blog hop.

  2. Awww that is so sweet!!! Brings tears to my eyes! I can't wait until my boys bring stuff home like that for me!

  3. What a great post! I love kid's writing and art work. Enjoy them!

  4. Oh yes, I cried when I read it. :)

  5. Those are the BEST gifts, those made with love!

  6. Awww so many great presents that you got. Only one of my boys brought anything home from school and it was just something they had to copy off the board. I want your kid's teachers lol.

  7. "no running!" haha Love it! So sweet.

  8. I love the 6 year old's answers! My 6 year old made me some handprint drawings as well. Priceless treasures.
    Thanks for the linky!

  9. aw! I miss the treasures that my kids would bring home from school. Our home school is lacking in the art department...

  10. Those are so beautiful, perfect and from the heart :) My daughter made a card for me and it had two coupons inside, one to vacuum the whole entire house, and one to clean the kitchen :)

  11. Love those kind of presents! They always make my heart melt. Your kiddos did a great job.

  12. What wonderful gifts! I can't wait until my girls are old enough to make me crafts for special occasions :)

  13. I love the hand print butterflies. So cute.

  14. Those are great! I got some painted pieces of wood. Cute, but not quite sure what to do with them. My husband struggles sometimes!

  15. Oh I LOVE those things where the kids have to fill in the blanks...

  16. What great gifts - these are precious!

  17. Great mother's day gifts! I love the handmade ones.

  18. these were always my favorite kind of mother's day presents.


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