Thursday, October 20, 2011

About Me Vlog Hop #1

Today I am participating in the About Me Vlog Hop, where bloggers answer three questions about themselves. Thank you Jenny from My Little Me for hosting!

I was so nervous recording my first vlog, but I survived and I think I did OK. If you want to participate all you have to do is record yourself answering the questions, upload it, post it and then link up!

The Questions

1. Show me three things that follow you around all day.

2. Do you have any local annual festivals? If so, describe what it's about and whether you like to visit it each year.

3. Do you have a craft/hobby you enjoy? If so (and you can) show me an example.

Link up your About Me Vlog here!


  1. Great job! You didn't seem nervous at all.

  2. I think you did a lovely job on your first try! You didn't look nervous at all like me. I was stumbling everywhere, lol!

  3. You did great! I carry water everywhere I go,too.

  4. OMG Marianna you and I were separated at birth ROFL

  5. Great job! I 100% agree with the iphone comment. What would we do without them?

  6. You did a great job and it was so great to get to know you better. Yes, iphones have change the way we live!

  7. I totally forgot to do this, I meant to add it to my calendar but of course I forgot ><
    that clock pendulum distracted me while you were talking LOL

  8. You did a great job! I'm not that crafty either, I used to be before I had kids and now that I kinda need to be to encourage them I am so not! I don't have an iPhone, but I have a BlackBerry that I would be LOST without!

  9. I'm so not crafty either. I try and I struggle lol

  10. Great job! It was so nice to hear your voice :) And i'm not crafty in the least either - maybe next week I'll do a vlog. Although I have no idea how to do that little intro. And I don't have a cute t-shirt, either!

  11. You did a really good job. I love that you carry a notebook around with you. My kids are always taking mine to draw in! You are not the only one who is not crafty, that gene skipped me and went to the kids!

  12. I love these about me vlog hops, it's such a fun way to get to know each other better. My iphone follows me around all day too. I agree - I don't know how I managed before without it.


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