Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Disney's Kilimanjaro Safari

While at Animal Kingdom in Walt Disney World last month, we made sure we got our boys onto the Kilimanjaro Safari "ride". They loved seeing all of the animals and my husband managed to get a few cool photos along the way.

Ankole-Watusi (African Long-Horned Bull). Look at the size of those things!

White Rhino. We had to wait while her and her little one crossed in front of our vehicle.

Giraffe. I think this was their favorite animal.

Flamingos. Not as pink as I expected them to be.

Mama and baby elephants.

Finally, the unknown bird. Seems like he trying to intimidate my husband with his impressive wing span. I have no idea what the name of this guy was. Anyone out there know?


  1. I love Animal Kingdom. So much fun. Great shots!

  2. Oh how cool! Love that long-horned bull, it doesn't look real!!

    1. He was my favorite. His coat was so shiny and he was ginormous!

  3. Man, that bull is freaken scary. I would be running the other way if I saw that thing, lol.

  4. those are some amazing photos, look at how close you got. I love it

  5. Awesome shots...love the giraffe!

  6. Oh, WOW -- what an amazing experience. My kids would love seeing all of those animals!

  7. Great shots! I love the one of the rhino!

  8. Beautiful pictures! It looks like you could reach out and touch the animals.

    1. You totally could reach out and touch them! Obviously not a good idea though. :)

  9. Great shots. I am definitely taking my kids there some day. I've never saw flamingos that color!

  10. The pictures are great! I love safari animals.

  11. Fantastic pics! I'll make sure we do the safari when we visit WDW.

  12. great shots! And yes, I would have expected the Flamingos to be a little more pink (maybe they forgot their sunscreen?!)

  13. Wow, I love them! Oh, and it's intimidating ME with its impressive wingspan.

  14. Great photos! I wish I was half as good a photographer.

  15. So much fun! I love the rino!

  16. Wow, those are great shots! Can you imagine how strong the bull's neck muscles must be to hold those horns up? Yikes!

  17. Those are some amazing shots. Mine never came out that good!

  18. Great shots, yours came out much better than mine did when I visited!

    1. To be honest, these were the only ones that came out. There are a few dozen more that are completely blurry. i am bummed that we didn't get good photos of the hippos, gazelles and wildebeests!

  19. That would be a vulture my dear.

    I love the safari! I'm tired of the same skit, though. They've been doing the same one since the park opened.

  20. I absolutely adore that ride! What gorgeous photos! I cannot wait until my son is old enough to visit!

  21. You got some great photos. I love that ride

  22. Man, you got some awesome shots! I have zoom envy :P I would get so nervous passing by that bull - those horns are so intimidating!

  23. That is so neat! I've been to quite a few big zoos but never saw one of those long-horned cow looking things. He's a scary looking dude.

  24. Fun! We didn't make it to Animal Kingdom when we were there last month but I went about 12 years ago and I remember loving it!

  25. I used to work this attraction! The ankole were fun but scary to drive by. I was always afraid I would hook one of their horns with something on my truck. The white rhinos were fun but I had one charge my truck once so my guests and I got more show that round. The flamingos aren't super pink because they're Lesser Flamingos. They are different types. Greater Flamingos are bright pink. And the unidentified bird is just a vulture. Its native to Florida, not Africa :)


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