Thursday, April 5, 2012

Help Give the Gift of a Smile

I am excited to say that I am once again part of the SwimWays Swim Team and this summer I will be discussing water safety (so important!) and sharing our children's progress as they learn to swim. While I already knew that SwimWays Swim Steps line has awesome products, I just learned that a portion of every Swim Steps sale goes to Operation Smile. Operation Smile is an international charity that provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children worldwide. To date, SwimWays has donated over 3,000 operations to children worldwide.

This April, SwimWays will be donating $2 for every new "Like" on the Operation Smiles Facebook Page - for up to $50,000. As little as $240 can help provide a cleft lip or cleft palate surgery for a child. If they can get $25,000 and donate all of the $50,000 - that is a while lot of new smiles for kids! As a thank you, everyone who "Likes" the page will receive a discount code for 20% off a SwimWays product. So please, head on over today and take just one moment to help give a child the gift of a smile.


  1. What an awesome program! And an easy way to give $2... I "liked". Thanks for sharing this, and the 20% off coupon!

  2. I really love Swimways!! I am an ambassador too - Seriousely this program is awesome of them to do :)


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