Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sponsored Video: Here's to A World with Less Cancer and More Birthdays

It is a sad reality that cancer touches all of us in some way. Whether it is a family member, a friend, a coworker, or even ourselves - we all know someone who has had to battle cancer. It is so important that we take care of our bodies and get routine physicals and checkups. Obviously there is no guarantee that you won't get cancer, but being proactive about your health may reduce your chance and give you early detection should the diagnosis come. This morning at my OB/GYN annual, I talked to my doctor about scheduling my first mammogram, even though I am just 33. My paternal grandmother had breast cancer and since I have inherited her higher level of hormones, double-ovulating, twin creating gene, I know that I am at an increased risk for breast cancer as well. After discussing this with my doctor, I learned that insurance will not pay for a mammogram before the age of 35. I am annoyed by this and if could afford to pay out of pocket, I would. But at least now I know and in two years time we will be having the discussion again.

The American Cancer society wants us to have a world with more birthdays and less cancer. I think that is something we can all say we want as well. What can you do to help their cause? Get involved. All across the country you can find a American Cancer Society Relay for Life to participate in. You can join a team or start a team and run, donate to someone else's team or simply purchase a $10 luminary to benefit cancer research.

This post has been brought to you by the American Cancer Society.

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