Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An Interview With Myself

Another fun blog hop from Trisha over at MomDot. This time the topic is An Interview with Myself with a few questions that will help you get to know me better.

What advice would you give your 16 year old self? 
The first thing that comes to mind is related to college. Do not let anyone pressure you into choosing a major just for the sake of having one. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but pressure from my school guidance counselor and others led me to choose accounting as my major.  I hated it and after two years ended up switching to what I really wanted to do. If you aren't sure what you want, pick something general like liberal arts or communications that way you can get all of your core classes done.

If you had a plane ticket in your hand right now to go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hawaii because I have never been and I desperately want to go. I know it will be breathtaking.

What did you want to be when you grew up and did you follow your dreams?
I always gravitated towards art and design in school and for a while I wanted to be an Interior Designer. By the time I graduated high school though I had no idea. I did end up going to school for web and graphic design and have an Associates Degree in Multimedia Development and Management. So yes, I still ended up choosing something design related!

How many pets do you own?
None, and I am quite happy that way. I grew up with lots of pets: dog, cats, birds. But right now I am very content not having any. Four kids is enough to take care of for now. When the kids are all grown and I have an empty nest, I may get a dog. A girl dog so that that I can finally dress someone in purple tutus. 

What was your first car? 
My first car was a teal Ford Tempo. I don't remember the year, maybe a 1993 or 1994? Sadly I do not have any pictures of it. It wasn't very pretty, but it lasted me 4 years so I can't complain.

What about you? How would you answer some of these questions?


  1. Ohhh yes Hawaii would be on my list too! And I can not imagine a house with NO pets. Even as maniacal as I am about tidiness, I still have to have furbabies around lol

  2. My Aunt lives in Hawaii, I almost picked that myself!

  3. hmmm...maybe that was my first car. I couldn't remember, I had so many different ones! HA!

  4. I see so many kids go to college and the change majors, so I think it is good to just get your basics and try to figure it out along the way. This is the first time I've ever NOT had a pet. I think with four kids though, I would be content too. :)

  5. I'd go to Tahiti! Have you seen the little houses on the water?! I REALLY want to stay in one!

  6. hawaii is so beautiful. You must go!


  7. There are many days that I would be very happy with no pets. Then they do something sweet.


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