Friday, August 31, 2012

SwimWays Swim Steps Gear Helps Kids Learn to Swim

Being able to swim is a skill that everyone person should learn well. Of course swimming is fun and great exercise. But knowing how to swim can also be the difference between life and death. Which is why every summer my boys take swimming lessons at our local lake. They  had six weeks of lessons and it is awesome to see the progress they have made. When we are away from the lake, we have been using SwimWays Swim Steps gear to assist with swimming in the pool.

"Ready to help your kids say hello to H2O? Start with SwimWays Swim Steps! When it comes to teaching children how to swim, we have more than 40 years experience creating swim training gear. We've developed all the tools you need to guide your kids to strong swimming skills, right from their very first splash."

With four boys all at different stages of swimming, the Swim Steps gear has been great because there are products for every level. My seven year old has been taking swimming lessons since he was 3.5 and grows more confident in the water every day. The Swim Steps Kickboard (Stage 4) has been great for him to work on his kicking, which his instructor said he needs to work on so he can advance to the next level of lessons.

Our five year old twins just advanced to level two of lessons and are finally starting to use their arms and legs to move about the water. Now at the lake everything is easier for them because they can stand. But since they cannot reach the bottom in most pools, they are obviously more hesitant. The Swim Vest (Stage 2) helps them learn how to balance and paddle and I was floored when last weekend, one of them got right in the pool and started paddling around with his vest on.

Our Swim Steps gear has definitely been a huge help to us this summer as the boys continue to practice their swimming skills. I love that their is something for everyone, no matter what stage they are at, and the gear gives my boys confidence in the pool so that they actually practice and move around. We will absolutely be continuing to use these products as they keep progressing through the different stages.

Here is a short video of the Swim Steps products I've talked about here in action. We definteily had some fun the last weekend before school started!

Check out my review of the SwimWays Swim Steps Swim Sweater that has been a great help with our two year old.

I am participating in this review as part of the Swimways Swim Steps Swim Team. Please note that the opinions and views expressed in this review are my own and based on my personal experience with the product and/or company. You may encounter a different experience with this than I did. I received free product to review.

1 comment:

  1. My kids love this article. Actually my 5 year old son is very excited to be like Michael Phelps! (LOL) You did a good job having this review posted, my kids were inspired. Thanks for sharing!


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