Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Returning to the Work Force with Help From Mom Corps YOU #MC

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Mom Corps YOU. I received a free trial to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

It feels like forever ago, but there was once a time when I worked outside of the home. Seven years ago I had one child and commuted 120 miles a day, 4 days a week to my job as a Communications Director. I was truly lucky that I loved my job, but the commute from Connecticut to New York took its toll. With even just one child, I found it difficult to balance everything and get some quality family time. My days were go go go from start to finish. By the time I picked my son up from daycare and got home, I'd scramble to make dinner and than it would be bath time and bedtime for my little guy. When we found out I was pregnant with twins, we knew my time working had come to an end. The mental and physical exhaustion of having 3 children under 2 years old plus the commuting was just too much. Not to mention the daycare cost. So in May 2007, I said goodbye to the workforce.

Now here I am, a mom to 4 young boys and approaching the time when all my kids will be in school. I would like to return to working once my youngest is in kindergarten, but to be honest I wasn't even sure how to start after being away for so long. Thankfully with Mom Corps YOU, I have someone to help me along the way.Mom Corps YOU is an online community that offers professionals resources to  better integrate their professional lives and personal lives. They believe that the key to achieving work-life satisfaction is to take ownership of your career, finances and health & wellness. This subscription based community contains articles, webinars, toolkits, discussion forums, live career chats, online coaching and more to help you do just that.

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The first thing I need help with is my resume. As someone who is not very good at writing about herself, it is something I have always struggled with. Not only is there a helpful article filled with tips on writing your perfect resume; but there is also an hour long webinar that serves as a resume workshop. I have already started the process of updating my super old resume and I am hoping it will eventually get me into some interviews. Thankfully I still have some time to get it perfected.

While tools like this are great, what I feel can really help out a lot is real conversations with real people. Mom Corps YOU has this in two forms in the Discussion Forums and Chat Live with a Moms Corps recruiter. If you need some opinions on fine tuning your resume or even just general questions about reentering the work force, these are places you will want to check out. One discussion that just started is "Going back to work after raising the kids." This is something that so many moms face and I'm looking forward to following along with this discussion group.

But Mom Corps YOU isn't just about your career, it is also about balancing everything in your life. So you can also find tools and resources for working on your relationship, financial tips, wellness articles and more.

Making the decision to reenter the workforce after multiple years far removed from it is more than a little frightening and overwhelming.  I still have months to go but by the time I will be looking to get back in, it will be about 8 years since I stopped working. So in my opinion it is never too early to start preparing and Mom Corps YOU is just what I need to help me get there.

Mom Corps YOU is available via an online subscription for an introductory annual price of $99.99 (regularly $149.99) or $19.99 a month. Visit for more details.

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