I am a Netflix Stream Team member and have been given a Netflix membership to help facilitate my posts. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
It seems like new original shows are popping up every week on Netflix and we have yet to watch one that we did not enjoy. Anything from animated series for the kids and family to adult shows to watch once the kids are tucked in their beds, there really is something for everyone.
A few weeks ago my kids discovered the new Netflix Original series Inspector Gadget. Now if you grew up in the 1980s like I did, you probably remember the original cartoon, which I loved as a kid. Well Netflix has brought it back and updated it and so far it has been a huge hit in our home. Our boys instantly were hooked and well, now have become a little obsessed with it. They find Gadget's antics hilarious and I get a kick out of them enjoying something that was a part of my childhood.
This is definitely a big winner here and they have already started re-watching episodes. I hope that this series continues and Netflix adds more seasons.
There are plenty of other Netflix Originals animated series to check out and though we haven't gotten to them all yet, we are having fun. Here are a few more they my boys love and were thrilled to see new episodes pop up for:

And most importantly of all, Orange is the New Black returns on June 12 with season 3! I am going to have to watch the last few episodes of season 2 in order to refresh my memory. I feel like it has been forever since I watched it. But I cannot wait for this and I plan to devour it in just a few days.
Have you fell in love with any of the Netflix Orignals? What are some of your favorites?

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